Thursday, July 3, 2008

Eucalyptus: Not Just for Koalas

Eucalyptus globulus is a tree native to Tasmania and mainland Australia. There are about 300 different species of Eucalyptus, making it one of the most common genera of the Australian flora.
The Eucalyptus Tree
Leaves of the eucalyptus are leathery to the touch, and hang obliquely or vertically from the stem of the plant. The leaves feature glands that secrete fragrant volatile oils. These oils are used for various medicinal purposes.
When in bud, eucalyptus blossoms are covered in a cup-like membrane, hence the name which translates to "well-covered." In full bloom, the flower full expands and the "lid" of the membrane falls off. The eucalyptus fruit is held in a cup-shaped, woody receptacle that also contains many tiny seeds.
The eucalyptus tree grows very quickly and can reach 480 feet, higher than even the mighty California giant sequoia. Eucalyptus trees are used for timber, but they are more valued for the oils they produce. Eucalyptus oils can be divided into three main classifications, each with commercial significance: aromatic, medicinal and industrial oils.
Eucalyptus Oil
Oil is removed from eucalyptus leaves by aqueous distillation. It is a colorless or straw-colored liquid material with a characteristic odor and taste and soluble in its own weight of alcohol. Likely the most powerful antiseptic of its class, eucalyptus oil has decided disinfectant action. It is most potent when it's aged and it can destroy the lower forms of life.
The most important component of eucalyptus oil is eucalyptol. Species of eucalyptus globulus contain up to 70 percent eucalyptol, making it a capable disinfectant.
Internally, eucalyptus oil acts like a typical volatile oil to a remarkable degree. It is a stimulant and can be employed as an antiseptic gargle. If locally applied, eucalyptus oil can diminish sensibility and increase cardiac action. With its antiseptic properties, the oil from this plant may have some response against malaria but it's not as powerful as the more traditional anti-malarial remedy, cinchona.
Two significant effects of eucalyptus are its roles in stimulating and balancing. With middle notes of woody scents and camphorous, eucalyptus is an important ingredient in aromatherapy products and nasal inhalants. The many medicinal properties of eucalyptus make it useful in analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antiseptics, antiviral medications and stimulants.
Eucalyptus can be put to use as an air disinfectant and a decongestant. It is used to treat asthma, bronchitis, treat burns, cuts, influenza, and headaches. The powerful aroma of eucalyptus acts as an effective insect repellant. It may also treat muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis, skin ulcers, urinary infections, and wounds.
Inhaling Eucalyptus Steam
Steam inhalations can be very beneficial as they all hot, moist air to enter the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus is a natural choice for steam inhalations, as it is widely regarded for its decongestant properties. Using the oil as a steam inhalation can help to unblock sinuses and nasal passages.
To prepare a eucalyptus steam inhalation, you'll need a kettle of boiling water, some eucalyptus oil, a large towel or sheet and a large container or bowl.
With the materials at hand, pour about four to six cups of boiling water from the kettle to the bowl. Add three drops of eucalyptus oil to the boiling water. Place your head over the bowl with your eyes looking downward. Use the sheet or towel as a "tent" to enclose your face and head over the bowl. With eyes closes, inhale deeply and breathe slowly. Continue for about 15 minutes, or until the nasal passages are cleared.

Writer Venus Enock is a writer for several well-known Internet magazines, on man health and alternative health subjects.

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